After a very, very hectic and stressful week and a half of assignments and tests, Thanksgiving break was very appreciated. It's nice to be done most of the big projects. Now I basically just need to study for finals!
Because of the theoretical blizzard, I didn't have to work Wednesday, so Sam and I just hung out for the day. Then we went and visited my Aunt Kelly and Uncle Kevin who were down for vacation and went to Mom and Dad White's house.
Can I just say that after this weekend, instead of 'ASDF' on the keyboard, my fingers automatically go to 'QWER'. If you don't know what that means, I'm not telling you. I'm ashamed.

I hadn't ever been a fan of Boxing Day shopping or the idea of Black Friday. I'd rather not be trampled, thanks. But last year I went out on Boxing Day with Jennifer and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. This year was the first time I was in the States for Black Friday. Some of us went out to Cabelas and it was kind of a gong show, and we were going to go to a movie but it was sold out all afternoon. So, pretty crowded on the retail front. But then Momma White and I decided to go shopping. Given that my runners have a 3 inch long hole in the side/toe and my feet get soaked and freezing when I walk to school, I figured I could brave the crowds to find some shoes. We sure lucked out! Going later in the day made a difference, I think, and the fact that we weren't trying to buy electronics. We got some sweet deals and some good stuff! All of the family also went to Tangled- which was pretty good! I recommend it.
Friday we just hung out some more, Saturday Sam and I saw Harry Potter (we decided that it was Harry Potter and the Endless Camping Trip), and Sunday was a family friend's mission farewell. I was so impressed by him- he's going to do so great!
Anyway, it's back to school today. Only a couple of weeks of classes, a week of finals, and it's home-free for another good break!
Oh, and I started on the ornaments for our tree! I'll post pictures later. Here's a sneak peak: