Semi-complainy post. But it has a point. And I'll post a happy and positive one later.
I'm not going to complain about 'Provo drivers', because I don't want to generalize, but I am going to give five examples of awful driving that I've seen lately. I'm sure there are plenty of wonderful, safe drivers here, but there are at least 5 crazies who need to chill out.
5. Person turning right doesn’t stop at stop line, so when there is a car next to them and a pedestrian coming across from their left they don’t see them until, oh, when they hit them with their car (hit once while on my bike- but he was very sorry and I was fine- and several close calls)
3. Person was so eager to make that left hand turn arrow that he was running the red light so badly that I had a chance to get into the middle of the crosswalk in the turning lane and he had to swerve to miss me (and I always wait until the walking guy comes up, so he was a good 7ish seconds late).
2. Pedestrians are no better. Not a driver, and I said that's what I'm going to talk about, but they put others and themselves in just as much danger. I’ve seen some stupid, stupid things. Examples just from this week: This dude got angry at me when I had the right of way turning right, he had a red light, and he was trying to cross the street in front of me. Come on. Oh yeah, and on the same road this guy had his ipod in and wanted to cross in the middle of the road while cars were going (University Avenue at 5:10pm, I might add) and he started wandering out into the road and almost walked in front of my truck. Long day at school?
Number one:
I’m riding my bike, and it’s University Ave so I’m on the sidewalk because by this time I’ve noticed drivers are NOT safe. So I’m coming up on the intersection and I had a pedestrian light, and there’s a car coming up to the light wanting to turn right. He looks at me and stops, plus he has a red light, so it legitimately looks like it should be safe, but nope, instead he keeps going and hits me with his car. So I’m thrown over my handlebars and land on my head, black out for a second, but then get up. And he STAYS in his car. So of course I’m a little out of it and dazed because hey, I just got owned by a car and landed on my head, and the guy is like ‘Are you ok?’ and I say yes, and he drives away. Awesome. So yeah, didn't get the plate number because I was too dazed and couldn't really see anyway.
You might be thinking, wow, you just don’t watch for cars or aren’t careful or you're just an idiot. No, no, I’m crazy careful and super paranoid and alllllways watch drivers like a hawk. I seriously would have been hit at least 4 additional times (as a law abiding pedestrian) while here if I wasn’t as careful as I am.
So here's the point. I understand that people have places to go, but be careful (drivers and pedestrians alike). Don’t be stupid. I’m lucky I didn’t break my neck or my back when I got hit by a car. Or killed. So seriously, watch the road, obey the laws, and DON’T text while you’re driving (or do other things. Like read. Sam and I saw a guy legitimately reading a novel while he was driving the other day). Accidents happen, but they're almost always preventable. Just be smart.